Reading Time: 3 minutes

Out of 10, how easy do you find it to simultaneously
- Listen
- Record
- Understand
- Question and
- Participate ?
If you think you score less than ten and you would like a solution, you are in the right place!

Jonathan Kemp MSc
Creator of SmartWisdom (1998)

Do you find managing both knowledge, and relationships in either demanding meetings, Interviews, or coaching sessions a challenge?
If yes, this is a totally unnecessary challenge.
SmartWisdom notebook

SmartWisdom on a tablet

SmartWisdom note-taking is tested by cognitive neuroscientists, published results in 2009 and 2011 show SmartWisdom
- Improves your understanding of information up to 23%
- Enables you to manage knowledge more effectively
- Helps you capture 20% higher quality information
- Increases your confidence and self-esteem
Which you can apply during all your work meetings and study in class, during revision and exams to reduce stress, save time and increase productivity
Some of our clients since 1998

Drop us a line!
If you have any questions, please do send us a quick message.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.